CWIMAQBarcodeTypes Enumeration
CWIMAQBarcodeTypes are constants for the BarcodeType parameter of the ReadBarcode method. Select the type corresponding to the type of barcode that you are reading.
You can use the following constants with this data type:
- cwimaqBarcodeType2_OF_5—Interleaved 2 of 5.
- cwimaqBarcodeTypeCODABAR—CodaBar.
- cwimaqBarcodeTypeCODE128—Code 128.
- cwimaqBarcodeTypeCODE39—Code 3 of 9.
- cwimaqBarcodeTypeCODE93—Code 93.
- cwimaqBarcodeTypeEAN13—EAN-13.
- cwimaqBarcodeTypeEAN8—EAN-8.
- cwimaqBarcodeTypeMSI—MSI.
- cwimaqBarcodeTypePHARMACODE—Pharmacode.
- cwimaqBarcodeTypeRSSLIMITED—RSS Limited.
- cwimaqBarcodeTypeUPCA—UPC-A.