CWIMAQProfileReport is a collection of CWIMAQProfileReportItem objects. This report is filled with one item by CWIMAQVision.LineProfile and CWIMAQVision.RegionsProfile.
Count | Number of objects in the collection. |
EndPointX | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.BoundingRectangle instead. x-coordinate of the corrected endpoint. |
EndPointY | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.BoundingRectangle instead. y-coordinate of the corrected endpoint. |
MaxValue | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.PixelRange instead. Largest pixel value in the profile. |
Mean | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.Mean instead. Mean value of the pixels in the profile. |
MinValue | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.PixelRange instead. Smallest pixel value in the profile. |
PixelCount | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.PixelCount instead. Number of pixels on the profile. |
StartPointX | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.BoundingRectangle instead. x-coordinate of the corrected start point. |
StartPointY | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.BoundingRectangle instead. y-coordinate of the corrected start point. |
StdDeviation | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.StandardDeviation instead. Standard deviation of the profile. |
Add | Adds an object to the collection and returns the new object. |
Item | Returns the specified object from the collection. |
Remove | Removes the specified item from the collection. |
RemoveAll | Removes all objects from the collection. |