
NI Vision for Visual Basic


CWIMAQProfileReport is a collection of CWIMAQProfileReportItem objects. This report is filled with one item by CWIMAQVision.LineProfile and CWIMAQVision.RegionsProfile.


CountNumber of objects in the collection.
EndPointXObsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.BoundingRectangle instead. x-coordinate of the corrected endpoint.
EndPointYObsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.BoundingRectangle instead. y-coordinate of the corrected endpoint.
MaxValueObsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.PixelRange instead. Largest pixel value in the profile.
MeanObsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.Mean instead. Mean value of the pixels in the profile.
MinValueObsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.PixelRange instead.
Smallest pixel value in the profile.
PixelCountObsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.PixelCount instead.
Number of pixels on the profile.
StartPointXObsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.BoundingRectangle instead. x-coordinate of the corrected start point.
StartPointYObsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.BoundingRectangle instead. y-coordinate of the corrected start point.
StdDeviationObsolete—Use CWIMAQProfileReportItem.StandardDeviation instead. Standard deviation of the profile.


AddAdds an object to the collection and returns the new object.
ItemReturns the specified object from the collection.
RemoveRemoves the specified item from the collection.
RemoveAllRemoves all objects from the collection.

See Also


