Visual Basic | C/C++ | Description |
Boolean | VARIANT_BOOL | Has the value True (-1) or False (0). |
Color | OLECOLOR | A color. In many containers, colors are treated as 32-bit integers. |
Date | DATE | A date. |
Double | double | 64-bit floating point number. |
Double Array | LPSAFEARRAY | An array of doubles. |
Font | LPFONTDISP | An OLE Automation Interface to a font. |
Integer | short | 16-bit signed integer. |
Long | long | 32-bit signed integer. |
Object | LPDISPATCH | A generic OLE Automation Interface. |
OLE_XPOS_PIXELS | long | |
OLE_YPOS_PIXELS | long | |
Picture | LPPICTUREDISP | An OLE Automation Interface to a picture or image. |
Single | single | 32-bit floating point number. |
String | BSTR | A string. |
Variant | LPVARIANT | A variant. |
Void | void | Nothing. |
Window | OLE_HANDLE | A handle to a window. |