
NI Vision for Visual Basic


CWMachineVision is an ActiveX control that uses the CWIMAQVision and CWIMAQViewer controls to perform common machine vision tasks.


ExceptionOnErrorTrue returns an exception on an error condition. False returns a negative number to indicate the error.


AboutBoxDisplays the About box for the control.
CountAndMeasureObjectsLocates, counts, and measures objects in a rectangular search area. This method uses a threshold on the pixel intensities to segment the objects from their background.
CreateCWMVCommonEdgeOptionsCreates and returns a CWMVCommonEdgeOptions object.
CreateCWMVCoordinateTransformationCreates and returns a CWMVCoordinateTransformation object.
CreateCWMVCountAndMeasureObjectsOptionsCreates and returns a CWMVCountAndMeasureObjectsOptions object.
CreateCWMVFindCircularEdgeOptionsCreates and returns a CWMVFindCircularEdgeOptions object.
CreateCWMVFindCircularEdgeReportCreates and returns a CWMVFindCircularEdgeReport object.
CreateCWMVFindConcentricEdgeReportCreates and returns a CWMVFindConcentricEdgeReport object.
CreateCWMVFindCTUsingPatternOptionsCreates and returns a CWMVFindCTUsingPatternOptions object.
CreateCWMVFindCTUsingTwoRectsOptionsCreates and returns a CWMVFindCTUsingTwoRectsOptions object.
CreateCWMVFindPatternOptionsCreates and returns a CWMVFindPatternOptions object.
CreateCWMVFindStraightEdgeReportCreates and returns a CWMVFindStraightEdgeReport object.
CreateCWMVLightMeterLineReportCreates and returns a CWMVLightMeterLineReport object.
CreateCWMVLightMeterRectangleReportCreates and returns a CWMVLightMeterRectangleReport object.
CreateCWMVObjectsReportCreates and returns a CWMVObjectsReport object.
DrawArrowDraws an arrow on the input overlay. The arrow is centered at the start point of the line and is directed away from the end point.
DrawCircularPointDraws a circular point on the input overlay.
DrawCrosshairDraws a crosshair centered at the specified point.
DrawLineWithArrowsDraws a line segment with arrows at either the start point, the end point, or both.
DrawPatternMatchDraws a crosshair and a framed circle centered at the position of the pattern match result, and a rotated rectangle that illustrates the bounding points.
DrawSquarePointDraws a square point on the input overlay.
FindCircularEdgeLocates a circular edge in a search area. This method locates the intersection points between a set of search lines defined by a spoke and the edge of an object. The intersection points are determined based on their contrast and slope.
FindConcentricEdgeLocates a straight edge in a circular search area. This method locates the intersection points between a set of concentric search lines and the edge of an object. The intersection points are determined based on their contrast and slope.
FindCoordTransformUsingPatternSearches for a template image in a rectangular search area of the input Image. The method uses the location and orientation of the template found to create the reference coordinate system or to update the measurement coordinate system. This method can overlay, on the image returned, the position of the search area and the location and orientation of the coordinate system found.
FindCoordTransformUsingRectComputes a transformation based on the position of an object in a search area of an image. The location and orientation of the coordinate system found is used to create the reference coordinate system or to update the measurement coordinate system. The method can overlay, on the image returned, the position of the search area, the search lines, the edges found, and the location and orientation of the coordinate system found.
FindCoordTransformUsingTwoRectsComputes a coordinate system based on the position of an object in two search areas of an image. The location and orientation of the coordinate system found is used to create the reference position of a coordinate system or to update the current location and orientation of an existing coordinate system. The function has the capability to overlay, on the image returned, the position of the search area, the search lines, the edges found, and the location and orientation of the Coordinate System found.
FindPatternSearches for a template image in a rectangular search area of the image. If the template image has not been previously learned, this method automatically learns the template for the configured match stage.
FindStraightEdgeLocates a straight edge in a search area. This method locates the intersection points between a set of parallel search lines, or rake, and the edge of an object. The intersection points are determined based on their contrast and slope.
GetSelectedAnnulusFromViewerReturns a copy of the annulus at the specified index from the region of interest on the viewer.
GetSelectedLineFromViewerReturns a copy of the line at the specified index from the region of interest on the viewer.
GetSelectedPointFromViewerReturns a copy of the point at the specified index from the region of interest on the viewer.
GetSelectedRectangleFromViewerReturns a copy of the rectangle at the specified index from the region of interest on the viewer.
GetSelectedRotatedRectFromViewerReturns a copy of the rotated rectangle at the specified index from the region of interest on the viewer.
LightMeterLineMeasures the pixel intensities on a line of an image.
LightMeterPointMeasures the pixel intensities in a 3 x 3 pixel neighborhood centered on a point of an image.
LightMeterRectangleCalculates statistics about the pixel intensities inside a rectangular region of an image.
MeasureMaximumDistanceMeasures a distance in either the horizontal or vertical direction, from the sides of the search area towards the center of the search area. This method locates edges along a set of parallel search lines, or rake. The edges are determined based on their contrast and slope.
MeasureMinimumDistanceMeasures a distance in the horizontal or vertical direction, from the center of the search area towards the sides of the search area. This method locates edges along a set of parallel search lines, or rake. The edges are determined based on their contrast and slope.
SetupViewerForAnnulusSelectionHides menu items in the pop-up menu of the given viewer so it displays only the tools needed to select an annulus.
SetupViewerForLineSelectionHides menu items in the pop-up menu of the given viewer so it displays only the tools needed to select a line.
SetupViewerForPointSelectionHides menu items in the pop-up menu of the given viewer so it displays only the tools needed to select a point.
SetupViewerForRectangleSelectionHides menu items in the pop-up menu of the given viewer so it displays only the tools needed to select an rectangle.
SetupViewerForRotatedRectSelectionHides menu items in the popup menu of the given viewer so it only displays tools needed to select a rotated rectangle.
TransformRegionsRotates and translates a Regions collection to transform the Regions from the reference coordinate system to the measurement coordinate system.

See Also