
NI Vision for Visual Basic


CWIMAQBarcode2DReportItem contains parameters that specify the results of reading a 2D barcode.


BinaryIf True, the data in the 2D barcode is binary. If False, the data in the 2D barcode is ASCII text.
BoundingPointsCoordinates of the corners of the rectangle surrounding the 2D barcode.
ColumnsThe number of columns in the 2D barcode.
DataString containing the decoded 2D barcode data.
NumErasuresCorrectedThe number of erasures the method corrected when decoding the 2D barcode.
NumErrorsCorrectedThe number of errors the method corrected when decoding the 2D barcode.
RowsThe number of rows in the 2D barcode.
TypeType of the 2D barcode.

See Also

