CWIMAQ is the top-level object for the CWIMAQ control.
AcquiredImageEnabled | Boolean that determines if the CWIMAQ control should generate the AcquiredImage event. |
AcquireField | Field to acquire if you set FrameFieldMode to cwimaqFieldMode. |
AcquisitionInProgress | State of an acquisition for the current interface. |
AcquisitionType | Type of acquisition to perform. |
AcquisitionWindowHeight | Height of the acquisition window, in lines. |
AcquisitionWindowLeft | Left edge of the acquisition window. |
AcquisitionWindowTop | Top edge of the acquisition window. |
AcquisitionWindowWidth | Width of the acquisition window, in pixels. |
Attribute | Hidden property that takes a parameter and allows you to set and get NI-IMAQ attributes that are not supported in the CWIMAQ control. |
BitsPerPixel | Number of bits used to represent each pixel value. |
BlackReferenceVolt | Black reference value, in volts. |
CalibrationDate | Calibration date of the image acquisition device. |
CameraAttribute | Value of a camera attribute. |
CaptureStopBuffers | The number of buffers to capture after a trigger is received. |
Channel | Current channel for the acquisition. |
Color | CWIMAQColor object that the CWIMAQ control uses for color settings. |
ColorAverageCount | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQColor.AverageCount instead. Number of color images to acquire and average for one output image (1-128). The default value is 1. |
ColorBrightness | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQColor.Brightness instead. Brightness of the image, in IRE. IRE is the percentage of the white level. The default value is 0. |
ColorContrast | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQColor.Contrast instead. Contrast of the image. The value is a scaling factor applied to every pixel. The contrast adjustment is centered around the median pixel value. For example, an 8-bit image is centered around 128. The default value is 1. |
ColorImageRep | Obsolete—Use ImageRep instead. Type of image data returned when a color image is acquired. |
ColorMode | Obsolete—Use StillColorMode instead. Color mode of the acquisition. Valid options are none, or monochrome, RGB, or Composite StillColor. |
ColorSaturation | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQColor.Saturation instead. Color saturation of the image. A saturation of 0 corresponds to a monochrome image. The default value is 1. |
Encoder | A CWIMAQEncoder object that specifies the encoder functionality for the acquisition. |
ErrorEventMask | Contexts for which the control generates error events. |
ExceptionOnError | Error handling. Set this property to True to specify that the control methods generate an exception on an error condition. Set this property to False to specify that the control methods return a negative number to indicate the error. |
FrameCount | Number of frames counted since the start of an acquisition. |
FrameFieldMode | Current mode of the acquisition. Set this property to cwimaqFieldMode to specify a field mode for the acquisition. Set this property to cwimaqFrameMode to specify a frame mode for the acquisition. |
FrameTimeout | Timeout value for a frame, in milliseconds. |
HScaleMode | Horizontal hardware scaling factor for the channel associated with an acquisition. |
ImageRep | Image representation of the acquisition. |
Images | Collection of CWIMAQImage objects that define the images into which your image acquisition device acquires data. |
ImagesPerEvent | Number of images that your image acquisition device acquires before the control generates the AcquiredImage event. |
Interface | Current interface selected for the acquisition. An interface file stores configuration information. You can associate an image acquisition device with more than one interface, which allows you to have multiple configurations for one device. |
InterfaceType | Interface type for a particular interface. |
IsCalibrated | Calibration status of the image acquisition device. |
LastValidFrame | Last valid frame acquired. |
LastValidImage | Index of the last image acquired. |
LookupTable | Lookup table of the image acquisition device. You can choose one of six standard lookup tables--normal, inverse, binary, inverse binary, log, and inverse log. |
LostFrames | Number of frames that the current acquisition has lost. |
OnboardRAMSize | Amount of onboard memory for the current interface. |
Port | Current port for the acquisition. |
PortCount | The number of ports available. |
Pulses | Collection of CWIMAQPulse objects that describe a pulse your image acquisition device generates on a signal I/O line. |
ROIHeight | Height of the region of interest (ROI), in lines. |
ROILeft | Leftmost edge of the region of interest (ROI). |
ROITop | Topmost edge of the region of interest (ROI). |
ROIWidth | Width of the region of interest (ROI). |
SessionID | Hidden property that allows you to get the session ID of an open session. |
Signals | Collection of CWIMAQSignal objects that specify the signal I/O to use in the acquisition. |
StartCondition | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQSignals to set up a hardware trigger. Acquisition to start immediately or on a trigger. |
StartField | Field to start acquiring on when FrameFieldMode is set to cwimaqFrameMode. |
StillColorMode | StillColor mode of the acquisition. |
StopCondition | Obsolete—Use AcquisitionType to specify One-Shot or Continuous. Use CWIMAQSignals to set up a retriggered acquisition. Condition on which the acquisition stops. Valid options are immediately after all images are acquired, continuous, or continuous with a trigger at the beginning of each iteration. |
VHA | Status of Variable Height Acquisition (VHA) on the device. |
VScaleMode | Vertical hardware scaling factor for the channel associated with an acquisition. |
WhiteReferenceVolt | White reference value, in volts. |
AboutBox | Displays the About box for the control. |
AcquireImage | Runs an acquisition synchronously. |
Configure | Configures the channel and device of the current interface for an acquisition. |
DisableSignalOccurrences | Disables all signal I/O related events. |
EnableSignalOccurrence | Enables the SignalOccurrence event to generate on a signal. |
ExportStyle | Exports the style of the NI Vision control to a file. |
ExtractImage | Extracts an image from a live acquisition. |
GetTrigger | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQSignals instead. Gets the action and polarity for a trigger line. |
GetTriggerStatus | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQSignal.Status instead. Returns the status on a trigger line you specify. |
ImportStyle | Imports a previously exported style. |
LoadInterfaceDefaults | Loads the settings for the current interface that you configured in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) into the CWIMAQ control properties. |
ReleaseImage | Releases an image that you held out of a live acquisition with the ExtractImage method. |
Reset | Stops an acquisition in progress and resets any internally configured resources to their default values. |
SaveImageToDisk | Saves an image to disk. This method saves border and padding information with the image data. To write an image to file without the border and padding information use the WriteImage method. |
SetTrigger | Obsolete—Use CWIMAQSignals instead. Sets the action and polarity for a trigger line. |
SetUserLookupTable | Sets the specified lookup table on the image acquisition device with a user-defined lookup table. |
Start | Starts the acquisition asynchronously. |
Stop | Stops an acquisition in progress. |
WaitOnSignal | Waits for a signal to generate. |
WindowPlot | Obsolete—Use the CWIMAQViewer object to display images. Plots an image to a window given a native window handle. Use this method to display an image after it is acquired. |
AcquiredImage | Fires when the image acquisition device acquires the specified number of images. CWIMAQ generates this event only for acquisitions that you initiate with the Start method. |
IMAQError | Fires when an NI-IMAQ error occurs, depending on the value of the ErrorEventMask property. The ErrorEventMask property selects the contexts—configuring, reading data, and so on—for which the CWIMAQ control generates IMAQError events. |
IMAQWarning | Fires when an NI-IMAQ warning occurs. |
SignalOccurrence | Fires when a signal occurs. |