NI Vision for Visual Basic


CWIMAQAIMGradeReport contains the results of grading a Data Matrix barcode. If a Data Matrix barcode cannot be located by CWIMAQVision.ReadDataMatrixBarcode2, the function assigns the Data Matrix barcode the value cwimaqAIMGradeF for all grades and the value 0 for all raw scores.


AxialNonuniformityThe axial nonuniformity raw score for the Data Matrix barcode, which is based on how much the sampling point spacing differs from one axis to another.
AxialNonuniformityGradeThe axial nonuniformity grade for the Data Matrix barcode.
DecodingGradeThe letter grade assigned to a Data Matrix barcode based on the success in decoding the Data Matrix barcode. The method sets this grade to cwimaqAIMGradeA if the method could decode the Data Matrix barcode, otherwise the function sets this grade to cwimaqAIMGradeF.
OverallGradeThe overall letter grade, which is equal to the lowest of the other five letter grades.
PrintGrowthThe print growth raw score for the Data Matrix barcode, which is based on the extent to which dark or light markings appropriately fill their module boundaries.
PrintGrowthGradeThe print growth letter grade for the Data Matrix barcode.
SymbolContrastThe symbol contrast raw score representing the percentage difference between the mean of the reflectance of the darkest 10 percent and lightest 10 percent of the Data Matrix barcode.
SymbolContrastGradeThe letter grade assigned to a Data Matrix barcode based on the symbol contrast raw score.
UnusedErrorCorrectionThe unused error correction raw score for the Data Matrix barcode, which is based on the extent to which regional or spot damage in the Data Matrix barcode has eroded the reading safety margin provided by the error correction.
UnusedErrorCorrectionGradeThe unused error correction letter grade for the Data Matrix barcode.

See Also

