CWIMAQMorphOperations Enumeration
CWIMAQMorphOperations are the constants for the Operation parameter of the Morphology method.
You can use the following constants with this data type:
- cwimaqMorphAutoMedian—Auto-median—Uses dual combinations of openings and closings to generate simpler particles that have fewer details.
- cwimaqMorphClose—Closing—A dilation followed by an erosion.
- cwimaqMorphDilate—Dilation—Eliminates tiny holes isolated in particles and expands the contour of the particles.
- cwimaqMorphErode—Erosion—Eliminates isolated background pixels.
- cwimaqMorphGradient—Gradient—Extracts inner and outer contours of particles.
- cwimaqMorphGradientIn—Inner gradient—Extracts the inner contours of particles.
- cwimaqMorphGradientOut—Outer gradient—Extracts the outer contours of particles.
- cwimaqMorphHitMiss—Hit-miss—Eliminates pixels that do not have the same pattern as the structuring element.
- cwimaqMorphOpen—Opening—An erosion followed by a dilation.
- cwimaqMorphPClose—Proper-closing—A succession of seven closings and openings.
- cwimaqMorphPOpen—Proper-opening—A succession of seven openings and closings.
- cwimaqMorphThick—Thickening—Activates all pixels that match the pattern in the structuring element.
- cwimaqMorphThin—Thinning—Deactivates all pixels that matches the pattern in the structuring element.