
NI Vision for Visual Basic


CWIMAQFullParticleReportItem contains information about a particle.

Note  The CWIMAQFullParticleReportItem object is used only with the CWIMAQVision.Particle method.


AreaNumber of pixels in the particle.
BoundingRectangleBounding rectangle of the particle.
HoleAreaTotal surface area, in pixels, of all the holes in a particle.
HoleNumberNumber of holes in the particle.
HolePerimeterLength of the perimeters of all the holes in the particle in user-defined units.
PerimeterLength of the particle perimeter in user-defined units.
ProjectionXHalf of the sum of the horizontal segments in a particle that do not overlap another adjacent horizontal segment.
ProjectionYHalf of the sum of the vertical segments in a particle that do not overlap another adjacent vertical segment.
SegmentMaxLength, in pixels, of the longest segment in the convex hull of the particle.
SegmentMaxPointCoordinates of the left-most pixel in the SegmentMax of the particle.
SigmaXSum of the particle pixels on the x-axis.
SigmaXXSum of the particle pixels on the x-axis, squared.
SigmaXYSum of the particle pixels on the x-axis and y-axis.
SigmaYSum of the particle pixels on the y-axis.
SigmaYYSum of the particle pixels on the y-axis, squared.
SurfaceSize of the particle, in user-defined units.

See Also



