CWIMAQViewerBackgroundHatchStyles Enumeration

NI Vision for Visual Basic

CWIMAQViewerBackgroundHatchStyles Enumeration

CWIMAQViewerBackgroundHatchStyles specify the hatch styles to use when filling the background of the CWIMAQViewer.

You can use the following constants with this data type:

  • cwimaqHatchStyleBackwardDiagonal—The background of the display window will be diagonal bars, starting in the upper-left corner and ending in the lower-right corner.
  • cwimaqHatchStyleCross—The background of the display window will be intersecting horizontal and vertical bars.
  • cwimaqHatchStyleCrossHatch—The background of the display window will be intersecting forward and backward diagonal bars.
  • cwimaqHatchStyleForwardDiagonal—The background of the display window will be diagonal bars, starting in the lower-left corner and ending in the upper-right corner.
  • cwimaqHatchStyleHorizontal—The background of the display window will be horizontal bars.
  • cwimaqHatchStyleVertical—The background of the display window will be vertical bars.

See Also


