CWIMAQHorizontalTextAlignments Enumeration

NI Vision for Visual Basic

CWIMAQHorizontalTextAlignments Enumeration

CWIMAQHorizontalTextAlignments are the constants used to specify where the origin of the text is in relation to the center point of the text.

You can use the following constants with this data type:

  • cwimaqHorizontalTextAlignmentCenter—Indicates that the origin point is in the center of the text. In other words, half of the text appears to the left of the origin and half is to the right of the origin.
  • cwimaqHorizontalTextAlignmentLeft—Indicates that the text appears to the left of the origin point.
  • cwimaqHorizontalTextAlignmentRight—Indicates that the text appears to the right of the origin point.

See Also
