CWIMAQCurveOptions contains parameters used by various methods to find curves in an image.
ColumnStepSize | Specifies the distance, in the x direction, between columns of pixels in the image that the method inspects for curve seed points. |
ExtractionMode | Specifies how the method identifies curves in the image. |
FilterSize | Specifies the width of the edge filter the method uses to identify curves in the image. |
MaxEndPointGap | Specifies the maximum gap, in pixels, between the endpoints of a curve that the function identifies as a closed curve. |
MinLength | Specifies the length, in pixels, of the smallest curve the method will extract. |
OnlyClosed | Specifies whether the method identifies only closed curves in the image. |
RowStepSize | Specifies the distance, in the y direction, between lines that the method inspects for curve seed points. |
SubPixelAccuracy | Specifies whether the method identifies the location of curves with subpixel accuracy by interpolating between points to find the crossing of the threshold. |
Threshold | Specifies the minimum contrast a seed point must have for the method to begin a curve. |
See Also