CWIMAQDataMatrixCellFillModes Enumeration

NI Vision for Visual Basic

CWIMAQDataMatrixCellFillModes Enumeration

CWIMAQDataMatrixCellFillModes are the constants that describe the cell fill percentage for cells that are in the "on" state.

You can use the following constants with this data type:

  • cwimaqDataMatrixCellFillModeAutoDetect—The method determines the Data Matrix barcode cell fill percentage automatically.
  • cwimaqDataMatrixCellFillModeLow—The method reads Data Matrix barcodes with a cell fill percentage of less than 30 percent.
  • cwimaqDataMatrixCellFillModeNormal—The method reads Data Matrix barcodes with a cell fill percentage greater than or equal to 30 percent.

See Also


