DrawText Method

NI Vision for Visual Basic

DrawText Method


CWIMAQOverlay.DrawText Origin, TextOptions, Text


Draws text on the overlay.


Origin As CWIMAQPoint

Indicates where the text will be drawn.

TextOptions As CWIMAQTextOptions

An object that specifies how the method draws the text.

Text As String

The text to draw.


Private Sub Run_Click()
    Dim Origin As New CWIMAQPoint
    Dim Text As String
    Dim Options As New CWIMAQTextOptions
    'Overlay text onto the image in Viewer1.
    Text = "This is some text"
    Origin.Initialize 50, 100
    Options.Angle = 45
    Options.ForeColor = vbRed
    Options.BackColor = cwimaqTransparentColor
    CWIMAQViewer1.Image.Overlays(1).DrawText Origin, Options, Text
End Sub

Nondestructive Overlay Example