CWIMAQLearnColorPatternOptions contains parameters used by CWIMAQVision.LearnColorPattern to learn the template.
FeatureMode | Color feature mode you want to use when setting up a color learn pattern. The default is cwimaqFeatureAll. |
IgnoreBlackAndWhite | Boolean that indicates if black or white colors are excluded from the color features of the template image. Any color excluded during the learning process is also ignored from the template in the match phase. The default is cwimaqDoNotIgnore. |
IgnoreColorSpectra | Information about colors to ignore in the template during the learn phase. The default is an empty set of spectrums, which indicates that nothing is ignored. |
LearnMode | Invariance mode to use when learning the pattern. The default is cwimaqLearnShiftInformation. |
SaturationThreshold | Threshold used to distinguish between two colors having the same hue values. The default is 80. |