CWIMAQQRCellSampleSizes Enumeration

NI Vision for Visual Basic

CWIMAQQRCellSampleSizes Enumeration

CWIMAQQRCellSampleSizes are the constants that specify the sample size, in pixels, the method should take to determine if each cell is "on" or "off".

You can use the following constants with this data type:

  • cwimaqQRCellSampleSize1x1—The method will use a 1×1 sized sample from each cell.
  • cwimaqQRCellSampleSize2x2—The method will use a 2×2 sized sample from each cell.
  • cwimaqQRCellSampleSize3x3—The method will use a 3×3 sized sample from each cell.
  • cwimaqQRCellSampleSize4x4—The method will use a 4×4 sized sample from each cell.
  • cwimaqQRCellSampleSize5x5—The method will use a 5×5 sized sample from each cell.
  • cwimaqQRCellSampleSize6x6—The method will use a 6×6 sized sample from each cell.
  • cwimaqQRCellSampleSize7x7—The method will use a 7×7 sized sample from each cell.
  • cwimaqQRCellSampleSizeAutoDetect—The method will try each sample size and use the one which decodes the QR code within the fewest iterations and utilizing the least amount of error correction.

See Also

