CWIMAQViewer is the top-level object for the CWIMAQViewer control.
AutoDelete | Boolean that specifies if existing regions are removed from the collection when you add a new region from the CWIMAQViewer user interface. |
BackgroundOptions | Modifies the background style and color information for the viewer. |
CenterX | X-coordinate of the image that the method places in the center of the viewer when the image is larger than the viewer. |
CenterY | Y-coordinate of the image that the method places in the center of the viewer when the image is larger than the viewer. |
ContextSensitiveTools | Boolean that enables or disables context sensitive tool selection. |
DisplayMapping | Mapping technique used when displaying a 16-bit grayscale image. |
FrameColor | Color of the 3D frame around the viewer. |
FrameWidth | Width of the 3D frame around the viewer. |
Image | Image object that the viewer displays. |
ImageAreaColor | Color of the area in which the viewer displays the image. |
ImmediateUpdates | Boolean that specifies if the viewer draws new data as soon as it is available, or if the form refreshes the viewer when it draws other controls. |
MaxContours | Maximum number of contours the viewer can have in its ROI. |
MenuItems | Tools that appear in the viewer run-time popup menu. |
NonTearingDisplay | Boolean value that specifies if the display should be in nontearing mode. |
OriginX | X-coordinate of the image that the method places in the upper left corner of the viewer when the image is larger than the viewer. |
OriginY | Y-coordinate of the image that the method places in the upper left corner of the viewer when the image is larger than the viewer. |
Palette | Palette that the viewer uses to display the image. |
Regions | Collection of CWIMAQRegion objects that specify regions on the viewer. |
ShowImageInfo | Boolean that specifies if the viewer displays image information on the status bar. |
ShowScrollbars | Boolean that specifies if the viewer displays scrollbars. |
ShowToolbar | Boolean that specifies if the viewer displays a toolbar. |
ShowToolInfo | Boolean that specifies if the viewer displays tool information on the status bar. |
StatusBarTextColor | Text color of the items on the status bar. |
Tool | Currently selected tool. |
ViewerFrameStyle | Style of the frame around the viewer. |
ZoomScale | Zoom factor. |
ZoomToFit | Boolean value that specifies if the display should automatically resize the image to fit in the viewer. |
AboutBox | Displays the About box for the control. |
Attach | Attaches a CWIMAQImage object to the viewer. |
Center | Moves the specified point of the image to the center of the viewer window. |
ControlImage | Returns an image of the entire control. |
Detach | Detaches an image from a Viewer object. |
ExportStyle | Exports the style of the NI Vision control to a file. |
ImportStyle | Imports a previously exported style. |
Refresh | Redraws the CWIMAQViewer control immediately. |
Click | Fires when you click the control. |
DblClick | Fires when you double-click the control. |
ImageMouseDown, ImageMouseMove, ImageMouseUp | ImageMouseDown fires when you click the control. ImageMouseMove fires when you move the mouse over the control. ImageMouseUp fires when you release the mouse on the control. |
ImagePanned | Fires when you pan the image in the viewer. |
ImageZoomed | Fires when you zoom the image in the viewer. |
KeyDown, KeyUp | KeyDown fires when you press a key while the control has the input focus. KeyUp fires when you release a key while the control has the input focus. |
KeyPress | Fires when a KeyDown message generates a key while a control is active. |
MouseDown, MouseMove | MouseDown fires when you click the mouse on the control. MouseUp fires when you release the mouse on the control. |
PaletteChanged | Fires when the palette type changes. |
RegionsChanged | Fires when you modify the Regions collection or any of the regions in the collection. |
ToolChanged | Fires when you change the currently selected tool. |