CWIMAQMathLookupOperators Enumeration
CWIMAQMathLookupOperators are the constants that specify the remapping procedure used. The horizontal axis represents the pixel values before processing (between Minimum and Maximum), and the vertical axis represents the pixel values after processing. The default is linear remapping.
You can use the following constants with this data type:
- cwimaqMathLookupExp—Exponential. An exponential remapping gives extended contrast for large pixel values and less contrast for small pixel values.
- cwimaqMathLookupLin—Linear remapping.
- cwimaqMathLookupLog—Logarithmic. A logarithmic remapping gives extended contrast for small pixel values and less contrast for large pixel values.
- cwimaqMathLookupPow1X—Pixel value to the power of 1/X. Gives variable effects depending on the value of X. The default value of X is 1.5.
- cwimaqMathLookupPowX—Pixel value to the power of X. Gives variable effects depending on the value of X. The default value of X is 1.5.
- cwimaqMathLookupSqr—Square remapping. Similar to exponential remapping but with a more gradual effect.
- cwimaqMathLookupSqrt—Square root remapping. Similar to logarithmic remapping but with a more gradual effect.