ServerInstructionType Enumeration


ServerInstructionType Enumeration

This stuff is still in the planning stages. Any questions or Comments are welcome.

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Server to Client Instruction set. (Furcadia v31c)

This is the set that FF3PP understands and uses.

these can change with each Furcadia update.

Namespace:  Furcadia.Net
Assembly:  FurcadiaLib (in FurcadiaLib.dll) Version: 2.19.PreAlpha 44
public enum ServerInstructionType
Public Enumeration ServerInstructionType

Dim instance As ServerInstructionType
public enum class ServerInstructionType
type ServerInstructionType
  Member nameValueDescription
Unknown-1 Unknown Instruction,

Needs further research

None0 No instruction Nessary
SpawnAvatar1 Spawns a new Furre in the dream furre list because they have joing the Dream we're in

'<' + user id + x + y + shape number + name + color code + flag + linefeed

sender object is Type SpawnAvatar()

RemoveAvatar2 Remove the Avatar from the Dream Furre list because they have left the dream

')' + user id + linefeed

Source: Furcatia Technical Resources

sender object is Type RemoveAvatar()

HideAvatar3 Hide Avatar from display (Invisible?)
AnimatedMoveAvatar4 Move and animate the Active Furre to the next location

sender object is Type Furre()

MoveAvatar5 Move the current active furre to the next locatiomn

sender object is Type Furre

DisplayText6 Display formated Text.

Mostly Furcadia Markup but other stuff too

UpdateColorString7 Update the Triggering Furre ColorCode

'B' + user id + shape + color code + linefeed

LoadDreamEvent8 Download Dream Data

IE: ]q pmnaiagreen 3318793420 modern

respond with client command when furcadia client is not available "vasecodegamma"

UniqueUserId9 Unique User ID

]z UID[*]

This instruction is sent as a response to the uid command. The purpose of this is unclear.

Credits Artex, FTR

SetOwnId10 Set Own ID


This instruction informs the client of which user-name is it logged into. Knowing your own UserID can help you find your own avatar within the dream.

Credits Artex, FTR

BookmarkDream11 Dream Book Mark

Triggers Pounce to add the dream to the list marked temporary

LookResponse12 received after a look at furre command

sender object is Type Furre

EnterDream13 Entering a new dream
See Also