Furcadia.Net.Utils Namespace


Furcadia.Net.Utils Namespace

This stuff is still in the planning stages. Any questions or Comments are welcome.

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Furcadia.Net.Utils"]

Public classCommandQueueManager
Balance the load to the server

Handles Throat-Tired and No Endurance

Public classServerQue
Balance the load to the server

Handles Throat-Tired and No Endurance

Public classUtilities
Generic Furcadia Network Utilities
Public delegateCommandQueueManagerQueueEventHandler
Event Handler to notify calling class data has been sent to the game server
Public delegateServerQueSendServerEventHandler
Event Handler to notify calling class data has been sent to the game server
Public delegateServerQueThroatTiredEnabled
Throat Tired even handler