Furre Properties


Furre Properties

This stuff is still in the planning stages. Any questions or Comments are welcome.

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Furre type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAfkTime
Away from keyboard time
Public propertyBeekinBadge
Gets or sets the beekin badge.
Public propertyDirection
Gets or sets the direction.
Public propertyFloorObjectCurrent
Gets or sets the floor object current.
Public propertyFloorObjectOld
Gets or sets the floor object old.
Public propertyFurreColors
Furcadia Color Code (v31c)
Public propertyFurreDescription
Furcadia Description
Public propertyFurreID
Furre ID
Public propertyGender Obsolete.
Gets the gender.
Public propertyGroup
Gets the group.
Public propertyLastPosition
The Position the Furre Moved from
Public propertyLastStat
Gets the last stat.
Public propertyLevel
Gets the level.
Public propertyMessage
Last Message Furre had
Public propertyName
Furcadia Name
Public propertyPawObjectCurrent
Gets or sets the paw object current.
Public propertyPawObjectOld
Gets or sets the paw object old.
Public propertyPose
Furre Pose
Public propertyPosition
Current position where the Furre is standing
Public propertyShortName
Furcadia Shortname format for Furre Name
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Furre is visible.
Public propertyWasVisible
Gets a value indicating whether [was visible].
See Also