Furcadia.Net.Utils.ServerParser Namespace


Furcadia.Net.Utils.ServerParser Namespace

This stuff is still in the planning stages. Any questions or Comments are welcome.

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Furcadia.Net.Utils.ServerParser"]

Public classBaseServerInstruction
Server instruction object base class
Public classChannelObject
Base Server Instruction object for Channel Processing
Public classDiceRolls
Parse Dice rolls
Public classDreamBookmark
Triggered when the connection enters a new dream.

This instruction tells the client to download the specified dream data from the file server.

Respond with client command when furcadia client is not available "vasecodegamma"

Public classLoadDream
Triggered when the connection enters a new dream.

This instruction tells the client to download the specified dream data from the file server.

Respond with client command when furcadia client is not available "vasecodegamma"

Public classMoveFurre
Animated or noanimated move object
Public classRemoveAvatar
Remove Avatar Server Instruction Object
Public classSpawnAvatar
Process the Spaw Avatar Instruction
Public classUpdateColorString