ProxySession Class


ProxySession Class

This stuff is still in the planning stages. Any questions or Comments are welcome.

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

This Instance handles the current Furcadia Session.

Part1: Manage MonkeySpeak Engine Start,Stop,Restart. System Variables, MonkeySpeak Execution Triggers

Part2: Furcadia Proxy Controls, In/Out Ports, Host, Character Ini file. Connect, Disconnect, Reconnect

Part2a: Proxy Functions do link to Monkey Speak trigger execution

Part3: This Class Links loosely to the GUI

Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  Furcadia.NetNetProxy

Namespace:  Furcadia.Net.Proxy
Assembly:  FurcadiaLib (in FurcadiaLib.dll) Version: 2.19.PreAlpha 44
public class ProxySession : NetProxy, 
Public Class ProxySession
	Inherits NetProxy
	Implements IDisposable

Dim instance As ProxySession
public ref class ProxySession : public NetProxy, 
type ProxySession =  
        inherit NetProxy
        interface IDisposable

The ProxySession type exposes the following members.

Public methodProxySession
Initializes a new instance of the ProxySession class
Public methodProxySession(ProxyOptions)
Initializes a new instance of the ProxySession class
Public propertyBanishList
Gets the banish list.
Public propertyBanishName
Current Name for Banish Operations

We mirror Furcadia's Banish system for efficiency

Public propertyBufferCapacity
Gets the buffer capacity.
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public propertyClientConnectPhase
Current Connection Phase
Public propertyClientStatus
Client Connection status
Public propertyConnectedFurre
Connected Furre (Who we are)
Public propertyCurrentConnectionAttempt
Gets the current connection attempt.
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public propertyDream
Current Dream Information with Furre List
Public propertyEncoderPage

DEFAULT: Windows 1252

(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public propertyFurcadiaClientIsRunning
Gets a value indicating whether [the Furcadia lient is a running process].
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public propertyFurcadiaProcessID
Gets the furcadia process identifier.
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public propertyHasShare
We have Dream Share or We are Dream owner
Public propertyInDream
Public propertyIsClientSocketConnected
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is client socket connected.
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public propertyIsServerSocketConnected
Check our connection status to the game server
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public propertyOptions
Gets or sets the options.
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public propertyPlayer
Current Triggering player
Public propertyServerConnectPhase
Current server connection phase
Public propertyServerStatus
Server Connection status
Public propertyStandAlone
Allows the Furcadia Client to Disconnect from the session, allowing the session to remain connected to the game server
Public propertyThroatTired
ServerQueue Throat Tired Mode

When set, a Timer is created to make us wait till the time is clear to resume.

Public methodConnect
Connect the Proxy to the Furcadia Game server
(Overrides NetProxyConnect.)
Public methodDisconnectClientStream
Disconnect from the Furcadia client
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public methodDisconnectServerAndClientStreams
Disconnect from Furcadia and notify delegates.
(Overrides NetProxyDisconnectServerAndClientStreams.)
Public methodDispose
implementation of Dispose pattern callable by consumers.
(Overrides NetProxyDispose.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetEnumIntT
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsConnectedCharacter
Are we the current executing character?
Public methodIsConnectedCharacter(Furre)
Is the target furre the connected characyer?
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodParseServerChannel
Parse Channel Data
Public methodParseServerData
Parse Server Data
Protected methodSendError
send errors to the error handler
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public methodSendFormattedTextToServer
Format basic furcadia commands and send to server

We also mirror the client to server banish system.

This maybe a good place to place Proxy/Bot commands for controls

default to say or "normal spoken command"

Public methodSendToClient(String)
Send a raw instruction to the client
(Overrides NetProxySendToClient(String).)
Public methodSendToClient(INetMessage)
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public methodSendToServer(String)
Send a raw instruction to Server through the Load Balancer
(Overrides NetProxySendToServer(String).)
Public methodSendToServer(INetMessage)
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public methodTextToServer
Text Channel Prefixes (shout,whisper emote, Raw Server command)

default to say or "normal spoken command"

Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected eventClientConnected (Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public eventClientData2
This is triggered when the Client sends data to the server. Expects a return value.
(Overrides NetProxyClientData2.)
Protected eventClientDisconnected
This is triggered when the Client Disconnects
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Protected eventClientExited
Occurs when the furcadia client exits.
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public eventClientStatusChanged
Track the Furcadia Client status
Public eventError
This is triggered when a handled Exception is thrown.
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public eventProcessServerChannelData
Process Display Text and Channels
Public eventProcessServerInstruction
Public eventServerConnected (Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public eventServerData2
This is triggered when the Server sends data to the client. Doesn't expect a return value.
(Overrides NetProxyServerData2.)
Public eventServerDisconnected
This is triggered when the Server Disconnects
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public eventServerStatusChanged
Track the Server Status
Protected fieldFurcadiaUtilities
Furcadia Utilities
(Inherited from NetProxy.)
Public fieldRepq
Public fieldTroatTiredEventHandler
The troat tired event handler
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsDouble (Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAsInt16 (Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAsInt32 (Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAsInt64 (Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAsString (Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
See Also