Paths Class


Paths Class

This stuff is still in the planning stages. Any questions or Comments are welcome.

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

This class contains all the paths related to the users furcadia installation.


Credits go to Artex for helping me fix Path issues and contributing his code.


Log Header

Format: (date,Version) AuthorName, Changes.

(Mar 12,2014,0.2.12) Gerolkae, Adapted Paths to work with a Supplied path

(June 1, 2016) Gerolkae, Added possible missing Registry Paths for x86/x64 Windows and Mono Support. Wine Support also contains these corrections.

Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  Furcadia.IOPaths

Namespace:  Furcadia.IO
Assembly:  FurcadiaLib (in FurcadiaLib.dll) Version: 2.19.PreAlpha 44
public class Paths
Public Class Paths

Dim instance As Paths
public ref class Paths
type Paths =  class end

The Paths type exposes the following members.

Public methodPaths
Load Default Furcadia Paths
Public methodPaths(String)
Load Paths Based on path
Public propertyCachePath
Cache path - contains all the Furcadia cache and resides in the global user space.

Default: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Dragon's Eye Productions\Furcadia

Public propertyCharacterPath Obsolete.
Character file path - contains furcadia.ini files with login information for each character.

Default: My Documents\Furcadia\Furcadia Characters\

Public propertyDefaultCachePath
c:\Program Data\
Public propertyDefaultCharacterPath Obsolete.
Default Character Path
Public propertyDefaultDreamsPath
Personal Dreams Folder
Public propertyDefaultFurcadiaPath
Default Furcadia install folder - this path is used by default to install Furcadia to.

Default: c:\Program Files\Furcadia

Public propertyDefaultGlobalMapsPath
Main Maps Default path
Public propertyDefaultGlobalSkinsPath
default skins
Public propertyDefaultLocalSkinsPath
default local skins
Public propertyDefaultLogsPath Obsolete.
default personal log folder
Public propertyDefaultPatchPath
Path to the default patch (graphics, sounds, layout) folder used to display Furcadia itself, its tools and environment.

Default: c:\Program Files\Furcadia\patches\default

Public propertyDefaultPermanentMapsCachePath
Default Main Maps
Public propertyDefaultPersonalDataPath
Default Documents\Furcadia
Public propertyDefaultPortraitCachePath
Portrait cache
Public propertyDefaultScreenshotsPath
Furcadia Screen Shots default folder
Public propertyDefaultSettingsPath
User App Data Settings
Public propertyDefaultTemporaryDreamsPath
Temporary dreams
Public propertyDefaultTemporaryFilesPath
Default Temporary Files
Public propertyDefaultTemporaryPatchesPath
Temporary patches
Public propertyDefaultWhisperLogsPath Obsolete.
Whisper Logs
Public propertyDreamsPath
Dreams path - contains Furcadia dreams made by the player. Default: My Documents\Furcadia\Dreams
Public propertyFurcadiaLocaldirPath
Furcadia Localdir path - this path (when explicitly set), indicates the whereabouts of the data files used in Furcadia. If localdir.ini is present in the Furcadia folder, Furcadia.exe will load those files from the specific path and not the regular ones. Default: -NONE-
Public propertyFurcadiaPath
Furcadia install path - this path corresponds to the path where Furcadia is installed on the current machine. If Furcadia is not found, this property will be null.
Public propertyGlobalMapsPath
Path to the global maps, distributed with Furcadia and loadable during game play in some main dreams.

Default: c:\Program Files\Furcadia\maps

Public propertyGlobalSkinsPath
Path to the global skins that change Furcadia's graphical layout. They are stored in the Furcadia program files folder.

Default: c:\Program Files\Furcadia\skins

Public propertyLocaldirPath
LocalDir path - a specific path where all the player-specific and cache data is stored in its classic form. Used mainly to retain the classic path structure or to run Furcadia from a removable disk.
Public propertyLocalSkinsPath
Local skins path - contains Furcadia skins used locally by each user.

Default: My Documents\Furcadia\Skins

Public propertyLogsPath Obsolete.
Logs path - contains session logs for each character and a sub-folder with whisper logs, should Pounce be enabled.

Default: My Documents\Furcadia\Logs

Public propertyPermanentMapsCachePath
Permanent Maps cache path - contains downloaded main maps such as the festival maps or other DEP-specific customized dreams.

Default: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Dragon's Eye Productions\Furcadia\Permanent Maps

Public propertyPersonalDataPath
Personal data path - contains user-specific files such as logs, patches, screen shots and character files.

Default: My Documents\Furcadia\

Public propertyPortraitCachePath
Portrait cache path - contains downloaded portraits and desctags cache for faster loading and bandwidth optimization.

Default: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Dragon's Eye Productions\Furcadia\Portrait Cache

Public propertyScreenshotsPath
Screen shots path - contains screen shot files taken by Furcadia with the CTRL+F1 hotkey. At the time of writing, in PNG format.

Default: My Documents\Furcadia\Screenshots

Public propertySettingsPath
Personal settings path - contains all the Furcadia settings for each user that uses it.

Default (VISTA+): %USERPROFILE%\Local\AppData\Dragon's Eye Productions\Furcadia

Public propertyTemporaryDreamsPath
Temporary dreams path - contains downloaded player dreams for subsequent loading.

Default: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Dragon's Eye Productions\Furcadia\Temporary Dreams

Public propertyTemporaryFilesPath
Temporary files path - contains downloaded and uploaded files that are either used to upload packages or download them for extraction.

Default: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Dragon's Eye Productions\Furcadia\Temporary Files

Public propertyTemporaryPatchesPath
Temporary patch path - contains downloaded temporary patches. This technology is never in use, yet supported, so this folder is always empty.

Default: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Dragon's Eye Productions\Furcadia\Temporary Patches

Public propertyUsingLocaldir
Has LoclDir.ini been detected?
Public propertyWhisperLogsPath Obsolete.
Whisper logs path - contains whisper logs for each character whispered, recorded by Pounce with the whisper windows. Default: My Documents\Furcadia\Logs\Whispers
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetDefaultPatchPath
Find the path to the default patch folder on the current machine.
Public methodGetFurcadiaInstallPath
Find the path to Furcadia data files currently installed on this system.
Public methodGetFurcadiaLocaldirPath
Find the current localdir path where data files would be stored on the current machine.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsDouble (Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAsInt16 (Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAsInt32 (Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAsInt64 (Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAsString (Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Theory check all known default paths

check localdir.ini

then check each registry hives for active CPU type

Then check each give for default 32bit path(Non wow6432node)

then check Wine variants(C++ Win32 client)

then check Mono Versions for before mentioned(C#? Client)

then check default drive folder paths

If all Fail... Throw FurcadiaNotFoundException exception

Clients Should check for this error and then ask the user where to manually locate Furccadia

See Also