Print a Check/Payment Register
To print a payment register:
- Open Bank Services > Bank Transaction Reports > Payment Register.
- Specify the codes for the range of banks to include in the payment register.
- Specify the range of payment dates for the transactions to include on the report. (The To Payment Date field is set to the session date by default.)
- Use the From Application and To fields to specify a range of source ledgers (for example, AP for Accounts Payable, AR for Accounts Receivable, CP for Canadian Payroll, UP for US Payroll) for the payments.
- Select the level of detail for the report from the list in the Print field.
- Choose whether to sort
payments by payment number, payment date, or vendor/payee code.
If you sort by payment number and you are printing payment details (with or without a summary), you can select the Print Missing Check Number option in the next step.
- If the payment register will include checks and you want the report to include a note about any check numbers that are missing from a sequence, select the Print Missing Check Number option.
- Select the type of payments to include on the register.
- Specify the reconciliation statuses of the transactions you want to include on the register.
- Click Print.
Additional information
If you have Print Payment Register security authorization, you can print the payment register even if you have no other authorization to use Bank Services.