RDML Function SET011C


RDML Function SET011C
Changes to the RDML

Change the references to #SELT_DEPT and #SELT_SECT according to the previous changes.

#S_EMPNUMB is a working field used to pass the value of the employee number (#EMPNO) selected in the browselist. It will be used in SET011D to FETCH the employee details in SET011D. Replace that field with your own and include as *hidden in the GROUP_BY #PANELDATA.

#DEPTDESC and #SECDESC are the descriptions of the department and section selected from the menu. The department and section descriptions are displayed as the header of the employee browselist to indicate the department and section where the listed employees belong (see also component S_011EMPLISTHEADER). Use your own and include as *hidden in the GROUP_BY #PANELDATA.

#S_011EMPL is the employee browselist. It has the radio button component #S_011RBSE, the employee number #EMPNO and the employee’s full name #FULLNAME. Define your own browselist and populate it accessing your file (s).

Changes to the HTML

Change the references to #SELT_DEPT and #SELT_SECT and #S_EMPNUMB according to the previous changes. If you need more fields you will have to add their definition in the same way as those two fields are defined.

*LW3SETIMG is a graphical variable whose value is the image presented at the start of the application in place of the employee browselist. Either change the value of graphical variable *LW3SETIMG to your desired image file or create a new graphical variable. If you create a new one, replace the references to *LW3SETIMG with your own.

@BLS_011EMPL is the employee browselist name generated by LANSA for the WEB. If you changed the browselist name in the RDML of SET011C, modify this name to @BL<browselist name>.

S_011EMPLISTHEADER is a component used to display either the descriptions of the selected department and section or a message indicating that the selected department and section have no employees. Replace the reference to this component with a reference to your own.