Forms/Components for this Example


Forms/Components for this Example
All about SELECT_SQLThe Things that Make Up this ExampleTo Execute this ExampleSee Also: SELECT_SQL command in the Technical Reference Guide

DISTINCTYou can use DISTINCT to eliminate duplicate field values
CalculationYou can perform calculations on the retrieved data
AND and ORYou can use AND and OR operators to construct complex queries
NOTYou can use the NOT operator in the WHERE clause to exclude data
JoinYou can join files before retrieving the data
Auto JoinYou can join a table to itself to compare data
ANYYou can use the ANY parameter to make a subquery
ALLYou can use the ALL parameter to make a subquery
BETWEENYou can use BETWEEN operator in the WHERE clause to retrieve data between specified values
INYou can use IN to retrieve fields that match listed values
LIKEYou can use LIKE to retrieve records that match generic criteria.
SQUARE ROOTYou can use mathematical functions such as square root to manipulate the retrieved data
SUBSTRINGYou can substring the retrieved values
Column FunctionsYou can use aggregate functions to summarize the results of a query rather than listing all of the rows