If you have shared folder access from your PC


If you have shared folder access from your PC
Install SET materials on the iSeries

Make sure that the userid you are using has adequate authority to perform imports.

First on the PC: Map the iSeries shared folder to a drive, for example I.

Create or choose an existing iSeries shared folder where to hold the contents of setiseriesimport.zip. Call the folder for example LANSASET. Open the zip file Setiseriesimport.zip and extract its contents into the shared folder.

Then on the iSeries: Convert the folder into a save file:

Make sure that the save file name you are about to use does not exist in the library. In the following example the shared folder is called LANSASET, the save file is called SETSAVF and the library is QGPL. Execute this command from the iSeries command line:


Note that the XFLRTOSAVF command is in the LANSA program library.