


A faithful recreation of the entity from Spirit of Half-Life. Lets you set bounce options for standard objects that use Half-Life physics (except physics objects).


SF_TRIGGER_ALLOWMONSTERS 1 (makes the trigger respond to NPCs)
SF_TRIGGER_NOCLIENTS 2 (prevents the trigger from responding to the player)
SF_TRIGGER_PUSHABLES 4 (makes the trigger respond to func_pushable)
SF_TRIGGER_CHECKANGLES 8 (borrowed from Quake; the trigger works only if its angles and the angles of the object are pointing in the same general direction on YAW)
SF_BOUNCE_CUTOFF 16 (decrease the bounce speed to the minimum specified in the armorvalue field)


netname Filter for activating only objects of a specific class (classname) or with a specific name (targetname).
armorvalue Minimum bounce speed.
frags How hard the bounce is:
  • 0—halt
  • 1—100% bounce
angles Bounce direction.

Usage Details

  • The object ignores physics objects and affects only the player, func_pushable and various projectiles such as rockets, grenades and snarks.