Before setting up the mod, make sure you have Xash3D build 1905 or higher installed, and the valve game folder exists. Technically, Xash3D has no dependency on the valve folder (you can copy the necessary resources to the xash folder instead), but such decisions are up to mod authors. You will also need the Valve Hammer Editor or QuArK to build game levels. Editor setup is covered by the documentation for particular editors, so it will not be described here. An up-to-date entity definition file for Valve Hammer Editor is located in the xash\devkit folder.
The following are mandatory resources required for correct operation of the toolkit:
- sprites\640_train.spr
- sprites\decimal.spr
- sprites\null.spr
- sprites\raindrop.spr
- sprites\snowflake.spr
- sprites\waterring.spr
- cl_dlls\client.dll
- cl_dlls\server.dll
- delta.lst
All other resources are required only for demo maps to work correctly and do not affect the program code in any way. This is an important point for users who want to make their own game based on the Xash mod. In addition, make sure the Nvidia PhysX driver is installed. Without this driver, all physics objects will just hang there.
The devkit folder contains, in addition to the entity definition files for map editors:
- An improved and extended studio model compiler: bugs of the original Valve version have been fixed, and new features have been added
- A custom build of the VHLT map compiler by vluzacn (differences from the original are minimal: QuArK's console output has been corrected and support for the XashXT's func_light entity has been added)
- A visual editor for the Aurora particle system
- The complete source code for server.dll, client.dll and xash.exe
Running the Mod
You can run the mod using the following methods:
- From the command line, for example:
hl.exe -game xash
- Using the standalone xash.exe launcher