light (light_spot, light_environment)


light (light_spot, light_environment)


m_iOnStyle Light style number used when the light is on.
m_iOffStyle Light style number used when the light is off.
m_iTurnOnStyle Light style number used while the light is being turned on over time.
m_iTurnOffStyle Light style number used while the light is being turned off over time.
m_iTurnOnTime How many seconds (an integer, not a fraction) it takes to turn on the light with the light style in m_iTurnOnStyle applied.
m_iTurnOffTime How many seconds (an integer, not a fraction) it takes to turn on the light with the light style in m_iTurnOffStyle applied.
firetarget Target that will be activated when the light switches to the “On” or “Off” state.

Usage Details

  • As before, you can use pattern only for lights that are on, and light styles for lights that are being turned on or off are limited to the standard set numbered from 1 to 19. This technique can be used for faking luminescent lamps, which flicker while turning on.