



m_iszTargetName Name that is set for each gib.
m_iszSpawnTarget Target that is activated on each gib spawn; the gib itself acts as the activator.
m_iBloodColor Gib blood colour. Red is number 247. Yellow is 195.
m_iszTouch Target that is activated when a gib collides with an object or the world (the gib itself acts as the activator).
m_iszTouchOther Target that is activated when a gib collides with any object but not the world (the gib itself acts as the activator).
m_iPhysics Type of physics to simulate:
  • 0 — regular gib physics
  • 1 — stickygibs; sticks to the first thing it touches, including moving objects
  • 2 — noclip; no collisions at all
  • 3 — FLYMISSILE; ignores gravity and uses a special hull for collision testing
  • 4 — BOUNCEMISSILE; bounces off walls, ignores gravity and uses a special hull for collision testing
  • 5 — TOSS; does not use extra bouncing, but simply slides on the floor, respecting gravity
  • 6 — PHYSIC; uses the physics engine for rigid body simulation
skin Particle skin. -1 is random skin.
body Particle body. -1 is random body.
framerate Gib animation speed (for sprite models).
scale Scale (for models and sprites).
frame Frame number (for models and sprites).
m_fFriction Friction magnitude. Be careful when setting this for physiscs types that don't respect gravity, because they are friction-aware, and your particle will decelerate very rapidly.
m_vecSize Particle size (deprecated).

Usage Details

  • Currently, the particles that are simulated by the physics engine perform testing for collision with the player. Because they are small, this can cause them to be pushed outside the level. Be careful.