7 // In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
68 Delete
204 Ok = 200,
205 Created = 201,
206 Accepted = 202,
207 NoContent = 204,
208 ResetContent = 205,
209 PartialContent = 206,
212 MultipleChoices = 300,
213 MovedPermanently = 301,
214 MovedTemporarily = 302,
215 NotModified = 304,
218 BadRequest = 400,
219 Unauthorized = 401,
220 Forbidden = 403,
221 NotFound = 404,
222 RangeNotSatisfiable = 407,
225 InternalServerError = 500,
226 NotImplemented = 501,
227 BadGateway = 502,
228 ServiceNotAvailable = 503,
229 GatewayTimeout = 504,
230 VersionNotSupported = 505,
233 InvalidResponse = 1000,
234 ConnectionFailed = 1001
Request in get mode, standard method to retrieve a page.
Definition: Http.hpp:64
Utility class that makes any derived class non-copyable.
Definition: NonCopyable.hpp:41
Definition: AlResource.hpp:34
Request in post mode, usually to send data to a page.
Definition: Http.hpp:65