Set Wraparound [ chars | ON|OFF ]
(Default: ON)
(Initially: OFF)
The Wraparound option is intended to make line-overflow in the Add command more friendly. When it is enabled and a line-overflow occurs during entry of new lines, Qedit splits the long line between two "words" and prompts you with the overflow words on the next line. An appropriate continuation line is generated for FORTRAN and COBOL source files. There is no wraparound capability in Visual mode, due to limitations of the HP terminals. The Reflection for DOS terminal emulator, however, can do wraparound in Visual mode. See Set Visual Wrap for details.
The chars option allows you to specify the maximum number of characters you will be able to type before pressing the Return key. You can specify any number of chars between 150 and 5000. When Wraparound is ON, and no chars parameter is specified, the default maximum number of characters that you can type before pressing Return is 256.
When you do an Add command, you can "burst" enter an entire page without looking at the screen. Do not press Return at the end of each line -- just keep typing. Qedit will put the words into lines for you. Press Return once only at the end of each page of text.
At the end of a paragraph (or any other time that you need to do an "end of line"), type Control-C and start typing the next line. Do not put a space after the Control-C unless you want the next line indented. For a blank line, press Control-C twice in succession.
You end the Add command as always by entering "//". Then you may use Visual or Modify to correct any typing mistakes you may have made. Qedit will fill the words into lines that are less than or equal to the current Set Length value. To create lines of a specific length, use Set Lang Data and Set Length.