
Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Set Work keyword value ...

(Initially: Block 8, Temp ON, Labels OFF,
Jumbo ON, Random ON, Trailingspaces ON, Size 3200)

Set Work specifies the default size, attributes and functions of Qedit workfiles. Most of Set Work does not apply to Qedit/UX. However, Set Work Jumbo, Set Work Random and Set Work Trailingspaces do apply. The syntax of Set Work is as follows:

Set WORK [ options ]

Jumbo ON | OFF Control use of Jumbo workfiles default ON
Random ON | OFF Control use of random scratch file name default ON
Trailingspaces ON | OFF Preserve or remove trailing spaces default ON

Jumbo. Jumbo Off disables use of Jumbo workfiles. It can also be used if you want to build an original format workfile. For example,

/set work jumbo off
/new oldfmt
/set work jumbo on

Workfile. By default, Qedit creates a workfile named /var/tmp/qscr.xxxxx whenever it needs it. /var/tmp is used by default. If you want to specify a different location, enter the new path name in the TMPDIR environment variable. Keep in mind that Qedit works with absolute filenames and these names can not have more than 240 characters.

export TMPDIR

You can force Qedit to use only the file named QEDITSCR by using Set Work Random Off.

Trailing Spaces. By default, Qedit preserves trailing spaces on all lines in a variable-length file. Set Work Trailingspaces ON requests that Qedit preserves trailing spaces and make them significant characters. The option also allows creation of odd-length lines.

Once enabled, all workfiles created or opened from that point will have trailing spaces preserved. To check the current status, do:

/Verify Work        { Checks global setting }
Set WOrk Jumbo ON Block 8 Labels OFF Temp ON Size 3200 Random ON
Set WOrk TRailingspaces ON
/Verify Keep        { Checks current workfile }
Set Keep Ascii OFF Cctl OFF COde 0 Lab 0 Num OFF Var ON Checktimestamp ON
Set Keep COBfree ON NAme /home/user1/afile.txt
Set Keep LF ON
/Verify Info
Saved modification timestamp 2003/04/30  13:23:17
Trailing spaces preserved

The last line shows that trailing spaces are preserved in this workfile. If the option is disabled, that line reads Trailing spaces trimmed. Disabling the global setting with Set Work Trailing Off does not disable the option in the workfile. You have to clear the workfile after disabling it.

The Trailingspaces setting is stored in the workfile so it's recognized when the file is opened in the future. These workfiles may contain data specific to Trailingspaces. This may cause unexpected behavior if opened with versions prior to 5.4.11. Because trailing spaces are now treated as significant characters, Keep files created from these workfiles may be different from Keep files created with an older version.

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