Visual Error Messages

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Visual Error Messages

Here are the messages that may appear if you encounter errors in Visual mode.

Define String: press Home Up, Clear Line, type "string", press Enter. You cannot use F3 or F4 (Findup, Find) until you have defined and found the string once. Press Home Up, type "string" (or ^"string" for Findup), then press F7 or Enter.

Parameter missing or illegal in home line. You have typed a command in the home line that Qedit cannot understand because it is incomplete or typed incorrectly.

Not enough line numbers to add new lines. If you add too many lines in one area, Qedit can run out of unique line numbers to assign to new lines. Check that Set Vis Renum is ON (it is by default). Unfortunately, even this will sometimes not make room. In this case, Qedit writes your screen image to a disc file named qscreen (the file is temporary on MPE) and does not update the lines.

A recovery method is to renumber that part or all of your file and then copy in the lost lines from the qscreen file. Since qscreen contains a screen image, you will need to remove certain rows and columns to extract the raw text:

Press F8 to return to Line mode

/renum all;list *-10/*+10
/list qscreen            {now select line range to copy}
/add 100.10=qscreen 5/23 {text lines only}
/change 1/4 "" 100.10/*  {remove columns}

No // at the end, so no UPDATE (see qscreen).

If you press the Clear Display key and then press Enter, Qedit will read your screen and object to it. Qedit looks for // in the first two columns of the last screen line -- the one containing the column template. If Qedit does not find these two slashes, it concludes that you have done a Clear Display, or deleted the template line, or typed in so many new lines or characters that Qedit does not have a big enough buffer to read the entire screen. Qedit then appends your screen image to the qscreen file and does not attempt to update the lines. If the Clear Display was legitimate, type // in column 1 after the last line.

Missing or invalid status line, no UPDATE (see qscreen). Under some circumstances the start of the status line is not transmitted properly to Qedit, even though the rest of the screen is okay. Therefore, Qedit now looks for the line number field in the status line, enhanced as Inverse Halfbright. If that is not found you will get the message "Missing or invalid status line". Your screen has not been updated, but it has been appended to the qscreen file. You can do list $char qscreen to see what was actually received by Qedit or to recover your lines.

Home line (===>) not transmitted, no UPDATE (see qscreen). If Qedit detects the status line as the first line of your screen, you will get the error message "Home line (===>) not transmitted". This either means that you deleted the home line or data was lost at the start of your transmission or you inserted too many lines with Set Vis Cleardisplay Off. Your screen has not been updated, but has been appended to the qscreen file. You can do list $char qscreen to see what went wrong or to recover the data.

NO UPD: bad format left 4 columns (see qscreen). Qedit uses + and - indicators in columns 1 and 2 to keep track internally of which line on your screen has which line number. If you move the lines around (not using cut-and-paste) so that these indicators are out of sequence, Qedit objects. Qedit does not update your lines, but it does write them to qscreen. If you move lines around on the screen, you should erase the +n to -n indicators.

Cannot update. To Exit, press * F7 (refresh), then F8 (exit). Set Vis Update is ON and you have pressed F8 to exit. However, Qedit is unable to update the current screen likely due to the bad screen format described above. To exit, first refresh the screen (* in the ===> line, press F7), then press F8 again.

Inconsistent or badly formed cut-and-paste task (DD/MM/CC/HH). If you put both a CC and an MM on the same screen, you will get this error message. It means that the indicators you have used do not combine in a logical way. Check the Status line to see what cut-and-paste function is pending. You may also see this message if you enter an unknown indicator (e.g., NN instead of MM).

Duplicate cut-and-paste task; press F7 to reset DD/MM/CC/HH. Only one cut-and-paste function is permitted per update. For example, you cannot copy a block of lines to the Hold file with HH, and on the same screen use R to replicate a line.

Cut-and-paste operations are limited to 32000 lines or less. The maximum number of lines that you can move, copy, hold or delete in a single task is 32000.

Problem accessing Hold file; unable to cut-and-paste. When you use HH, HJ, AH, BH, PH, or FH, Qedit must access a temporary file called Hold. When you use MM, CC, DD, JJ, RR, A0, B0, F0, or P0, Qedit must access a file called Hold0. This message means that an error has occurred in accessing this file. Does another process in your session have it open? Or are you out of disc space?

File full. Part update. Suggest Exit, see qscreen. If you add enough lines to a workfile, eventually it will fill up! Visual will then be unable to add in the new lines from your screen. When this happens, Qedit appends a copy of your screen image to the qscreen file (from this file you can recover the lines that were not added, if you desire). To expand a workfile named ABC, do Text ABC and Shut *.

File nearly full! Qedit will warn you when your workfile has only a block or two left. This is your advance warning that soon you must do a Garbage collection in your workfile, or expand the workfile.

Read error on CRT. Try again or reduce speed. Screen mode only works with HP-type terminals and emulators. If you use a VT terminal or emulator, you should use Screen mode for full-screen editing. Refer to the appropriate section for a discussion on working with VT terminals.

You might also get this error if you run certain combinations of HP-UX and the Windows 95 TCP/IP stack. If you think you might be in this situation, please contact our technical support staff for details.

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