Getting a Quick Start with VT Full-Screen Editing - Introduction

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Qedit's full-screen mode on VT terminals is called Screen mode, which works with most VT terminals (i.e., VT100 and VT220). To use Screen mode, you must have a VT terminal or terminal emulator, and you must have a terminfo entry for your VT terminal in your configuration (use untic vt100 or untic vt220 to check your terminfo entries).

Screen mode differs from Visual mode by not relying on the block-mode feature of HP terminals. It enables you to page forward and backward through your file, as well as to move, copy, mark and delete blocks of text with Screen mode's cut-and-paste functions.

Screen mode is a good introduction to the HP operating system for users who don't work on HP computers all day. Those who may particularly benefit are novice users, or users who run Qedit only to update a report skeleton once a week. Screen mode provides a familiar environment where novices can make changes to the entire screen, just as they do on PC editors. You can even configure some electronic mail packages (e.g., HPDesk, elm) to put your users directly into Screen mode when they edit a message.


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