Scratch File

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Scratch File

When Qedit needs a disposable scratch file (e.g., for Text or Add), it creates a Qedit format file in /var/tmp by default (/usr/tmp is the default on older versions of HP-UX) or the path name specified in the TMPDIR environment variable. The scratchfile name is qscr.xxxxxxxxx where "xxxxxxxxx" is a random string generated by the HP-UX tempnam routine.

Keep in mind that Qedit works with absolute filenames and these names can not have more than 240 characters.

Because all HP-UX files are permanent, Qedit must purge this scratch file when you exit Qedit. If you have made any changes, Qedit asks whether you want to discard the changes that you have made.

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