Add (Copying Lines Between Files)

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Add (Copying Lines Between Files)

Add lines to the workfile from an external file.

ADD linenum = filename [,UNN] [ rangelist ]

(Q=no display)

(Default: entire file)

The linenum tells Qedit where to begin adding the lines from the external file.

The filename tells Qedit which file to copy from. It can be any type of disc file. If any of the lines are too long, they will be truncated with a warning. Use filename,UNN when you are adding from a data file with numeric characters in the last eight columns which are not really sequence numbers.

The rangelist tells Qedit how much of the file to copy. The default is to copy the entire file. If the external file does not have sequence numbers, Qedit assumes that the file is numbered from 1 by the current Set Increment. When you specify a rangelist, Add leaves a copy of the lines from the external file in the Hold0 file, as well as in your workfile.


/add 500.01 = abc       {copy in the file ABC after 500.01}
  500.001 abc line-1    {prints each line copied from file}
  500.002 abc line-2    {prints new line numbers too}
/aq 5 = xyz 5/10        {copy in lines 5/10 of the file XYZ}
/l template "$page"(up) {list page breaks in a file}
    1    $PAGE "xx"     {select the template you want}
   24    $PAGE "yy"
   37    $PAGE "zz"
/add 5=template 24/36   {copy the lines between $pages}
/shut /dev/src/test.c   {establishing "previous" file}
/new cust               {open another file}
/a 1 = $ 50/60          {$ stands for /dev/src/test.c}


Add prints each line as it copies it, unless you use AQ. If Qedit finds invalid sequence numbers in a file, it begins assigning "logical" sequence numbers using the last valid sequence number and the current Set Increment.

If you have Set Left/Right margins, Qedit inserts blanks before the left margin in each line. That is, the lines from the external file are left-justified within the current margins of the workfile.

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