Escape Character

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Escape Character

Other characters used in a regular expression might also have special meanings. The most important one is probably the escape character. In Qedit, the backslash is the escape character. A metacharacter, however, loses its special meaning if preceded by a backslash. In the example,


square brackets indicate a character class. This regexp would match "abc1," "abc2" or "abc3." If we escape the square brackets as in


the square brackets are then used as literals. This means they are now part of the string. The only matching value is then "abc[123]."

If you want to search for a backslash, simply enter two of them in a row (\\). The only exception to this is the start-of-line metacharacter. Because it (^) is also a valid escaped sequence (see next section), there is no way to tell Qedit to search for the caret as a literal. You should use an expression with the corresponding hexadecimal value.


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