Fixed-length Cobol Source Files
By default, all UNIX files are processed as variable-length files. If needed, you can override this option using Set Keep Var OFF. Some Cobol compilers prefer to have fixed-length records. It can quickly become tedious to enter the Set Keep command after every Text command, not to mention the likelihood of forgetting to do it.
If you wish to force all Cobol source files to be processed as fixed-length files, use Set Text Cobolfixed ON. Every Cobol source texted in from that point will be fixed-length. If a file has already been texted in, the Keep command will switch to fixed-length records automatically. Qedit displays a warning in this case.
qux/v text
Set Text Exclusive OFF Cobolfixed OFF
qux/t mysource.cob
26 lines in file
qux/v k
Set Keep Ascii OFF Cctl OFF COde 0 Lab 0 Num ON Var ON Checktimestamp ON
Set Keep COBfree ON NAme /users/robdev/qedit/test/file1CobFixed
Set Keep LF ON
qux/s text cobolfixed on
qux/k testcob.txt
Warning: Set Text Cobolfixed is On. File will have fixed-length records.
/users/robdev/qedit/testcob.txt #Records = 26
Purge existing file [no]? Y
qux/set keep var on
qux/t mysource.cob
26 lines in file
qux/v k
Set Keep Ascii OFF Cctl OFF COde 0 Lab 0 Num ON Var OFF Checktimestamp ON
Set Keep COBfree ON NAme /users/robdev/qedit/test/file1CobFixed
Set Keep LF ON