
Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Qedit accepts two basic types of commands: those such as Add, Change and Text that can be combined on a line using semicolon to separate them; and those such as who and ls which can only appear once on a command line because semicolon is reserved for separating parameters.

/text abc;modify 5 {two Qedit commands}

/ps {one shell command}

/new abc;who {Qedit and shell command}

We call the first style "qedit" commands and the second style "shell" commands, although they are all equally Qedit commands. With the first style, the command name can usually be abbreviated to one letter (Add is A), although some commands require several letters (Findu for Findup). With the "shell" style, the command name must usually be spelled out completely.

/vi {"vi" means Visual}

/c "abc"xxx" all {"c" means Change}

/ls {means show files, not lsort}

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