) Means End Parameter, Command or Subpattern (in Regexp)

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Means End Parameter, Command or Subpattern (in Regexp)

Right parentheses ")" completes a file size, a window for string matches, and is irresistibly attached to "(".

/list "Robelle" (upshift)

Right parentheses ")" completes command enclosure which include commas or semicolons that might be confused with delimiters. Qedit considers everything between the left and right parentheses as one command. This is mostly useful when multiple commands appear on one line.

/F "test";(listspf o ;seleq=[owner=mgr.acct]);Li */*+5

Right parentheses ")" identify the end of subpatterns inside regular expressions.

/List "x(abc)z" {subpattern ends with "c"}

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