You don't have to learn every command in order to use Qedit. With just a few of the basic functions, you can take care of editing job streams, programs, memos, or big text files. First, find out how to run Qedit on your system. Your system manager may have set up an easy way to access Qedit (try typing qedit
). Look for a slash prompt (/ on MPE or qux/ on HP-UX), which tells you Qedit is ready to go.
This introduction will make the following activities familiar to you: adding lines to a file, looking at the contents of files, searching files for specific characters, changing one line or many lines, deleting, moving, and copying lines, and saving files. In the examples to follow, watch for comments on the right-hand side, enclosed in curly braces. Whatever you see in { } is an explanation, not part of the command, although Qedit will accept it. Press Return after each command line. When you finish your session, getting back out of Qedit is easy. Type Exit, and press the Return key: