Destroy Command [DES]

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Destroy Command [DES]

Purges the current workfile, or a named HP-UX file, after first verifying with the user.

DESTROY [ filename ]

(Default: current workfile)

The filename parameter can be the name of any file that you have write access to, "$" to refer to the "last" file name mentioned in another command, or "*" to refer to either the current workfile or, if none is currently open, the one just Shut.


/destroy /dev/src/test.c
/dev/src/test.c # of lines=162
Purge file [no]? Oui      {that's French for "yes"}
/open ctemp
/des *
ctemp Qedit file, # of lines=15
Purge file [no]?          {Return key means "no"}
File NOT purged
/list datapg2             {check contents of file}
/destroy $                {...then purge it}

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