:Listredo Command [LISTREDO/F7]
The :Listredo command displays any of the previous 1,000 commands.
LISTREDO[ start [ / stop ] ][;ABS] [;OUT=file]
[ string ][;REL]
[ ALL | @ ][;UNN]
(Default: display previous 20 commands)
(BJ, F7 and ,, are short for Listredo)
Commands are numbered sequentially from 1 as entered and the last 1,000 are retained. You can display a single command, a range of commands, all 1,000, or all the commands whose name matches the string. You can print the commands with ABSolute line numbers (the default), RELative line numbers (-5/-4), or UNNumbered. The OUT option is not available for Qedit/UX. If you want to redo any of these commands, see :Do, :Redo, and Before.
/listredo 5
/listredo 5/10
/listredo help {print all Help commands}
/bj {historical shorthand!}
/listredo -10 {print last ten commands}
/listredo ALL {print entire redo stack}
/listredo rm {print all rm commands}
/listredo rm xx {print all "rm xx" commands}
/listredo @rm {print all with "rm" anywhere}
/listredo @;rel {print all, relative numbers}
The :Listredo command can be abbreviated to ",," or BJ, or can be invoked by the F7 function key. Using F7 to invoke Listredo only works in Line mode, not Visual mode. You cannot use ";" to combine commands on the same line.