Set List [ option value ] ...
The Set List command controls the format and functions of the List command. The valid options are:
Page ON|OFF | page breaks on List LP |
Lines nn | lines per page with PAGE ON |
Name ON|OFF | file name on each PAGE |
Num ON|OFF | number on each PAGE |
Title ON|OFF | title on each PAGE |
Dbl ON|OFF | double-spacing of List LP |
PCL nn | LaserJet fonts and orientation |
Record ON|OFF | use attached printer via Record Mode |
LJ nn | lines per screen for List-Jump |
QJ ON|OFF | "quiet" for List-Jumping (no seq#) |
Endstop ON|OFF | no "End?" question in List-Jumping. |
Even ON|OFF | outputs even number of pages |
Odd ON|OFF | outputs odd number of pages |
Nearest ON|OFF | displays warning or nearest line |
For more information on Set List options, including examples, see the List command. For a quick list of the PCL values and their meanings, see also the Quick-Help: /hq set,list