Getting a Quick Start with HP Full-Screen Editing - Cut-and-Paste

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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It is never necessary to remember line numbers in full-screen mode. Visual allows you to mark, hold, move, copy, replicate, or delete a block of text, all visually. This is called "cut-and-paste" and is done by putting special indicators in the two blank columns at the left of each text line before you press the Enter key. For example, DD indicates a block of text to be deleted.


Cutting Operations

Pasting Operations

Resetting Cut-and-Paste

Copying a Block of Text

Cut-and-Paste Between Files

Dividing and Gluing Operations

Dividing Lines in Visual Mode

Gluing Lines in Visual Mode

Excluding Lines From Visual Mode Display

Justifying Lines in Visual Mode

Renumbering Lines

Inserting Blank Lines

Hold Files

Marking Changes Without Using Line Numbers

Paste from a Non-Qedit File

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