
Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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Set Visual Widen 76 | 80 | OFF


The Widen option controls whether and when Visual will request and use more than 80 display columns on your terminal. For example, you can control whether to switch the 700-series terminal into 132-column mode and widen Reflection's Display Memory. The default value is Set Vis Widen 80, which causes Visual to go into wider-mode whenever Length is greater than 80 columns. Therefore, with this value Visual will switch your 700 series terminal into 132-column mode and expand the width of Reflection's Display Memory. Set Vis Widen Off restricts Visual mode to at most 80 columns.

Reflection version 5.x and later allows you to set the display width to a value between 80 and 512. Qedit can detect this feature and use it whenever possible. Qcterm emulates a 700/92 terminal but supports up to 200 columns. Full-screen mode takes advantage of the extended width when appropriate.

If Visual switches into 132-column mode when the Length value for your file is higher than 80 columns, this means that a Job file with exactly 80 columns will not go into 132-column mode and you won't be able to see columns 77 through 80. However, you can reconfigure Visual to switch into 132-column mode when Length is greater than 76 by doing Set Vis Widen 76.

Some new versions of Reflection will automatically switch into 132-column display when Qedit asks to widen display memory. To have Qedit follow the Set Vis Widen rules, you must have Reflection 4.2 for DOS, Reflection 3.6 for the Macintosh, Reflection 4.0 for Windows; add 20,000 to the value in your RPCVERSION variable. In some versions of terminal emulators, you have to explicitly tell the software which type of graphics adaptor you have. You need to refer to your computer manual, or use the MSD utility program included with newer versions of DOS and Windows. The RCRTMODEL variable is also useful for controlling 132-column mode.

Qcterm emulates a 700/92 terminal and can have a display width of 80, 132 or 200 columns. Qedit takes advantage of these widths when necessary.

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