:Redo Command [REDO]

Qedit 5.7 for HP-UX

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:Redo Command [REDO]

Enables you to modify and repeat any of the previous 1,000 command lines.

REDO[ start [ / stop ] ]

[ string ]

[ ALL | @ ]

(Default: redo the previous command)

The :Redo command allows you to modify the commands before it executes them. If you don't need to change them, use the :Do command. Commands are numbered sequentially from 1 as entered and the last 1,000 are retained. Use the :Listredo command to display the previous commands. You can redo a single command, a range of commands, or the most recent command whose name matches a string.

The :Redo command uses MPE-style commands (D, I, R, U and >) to modify a line. The following are some common commands. A complete list of commands appears at the end of this section. The default mode is to replace characters. To delete, type DDDD under the characters to be removed. To insert, type I under the insertion spot, then the new characters. To undo your changes, type U. To append to the end of the line, use >xxx. To delete from the end of the line, use >DD. To replace at the end of the line, use >Rxxx. And to erase the rest of the line, use D>. See below for a complete list of edits.


/ls /users/obb        {"bob" is not spelled right}
/users/obb not found
/Redo                 {redo most recent command}
ls /users/obb         {last command is printed}
          bob         {you enter changes to it}
ls /users/bob         {the edited command is shown}
                      {you press Return}
/listredo all
/redo 5             {redo 5th command in stack}
/redo               {redo previous command}
/redo -2            {redo command before previous}
/redo 8/10          {redo 8th through 10th}
/redo -10/          {redo -10 through last}
/redo rm            {redo last rm command}
/redo rm test.c     {redo last "rm test.c"}
/redo @test         {redo last containing "test"}

Editing in :Redo

:Redo uses the same edits as the MPE/iX :Redo command, except that control characters in lines are printed as dots "." so that you can see them. Use Set Modify Hpmodify to select these MPE-style edits for all commands. If you prefer the Qedit-style edits, use Set Modify Robelle to select Qedit editing for all commands, including :Redo. If you prefer Qzmodify, use Set Modify Qzmodify to select Qzmodify editing for all commands.

Persistent Redo

Redo commands can be saved in a permanent file and can therefore be used from another session. You can use the Set Redo command to specify a file name to save your redo commands. Please see the Set Redo command for details.

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